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Animal Assistance & Communicator

  • Energetic & Spiritual Wound Repair

  • Hand Crafted Remedies

  • Animal Communicator


Embark on a transformative journey of energetic and spiritual healing with Blue Mountain Healing Center, where I  specialize in energetic and spiritual wound repair, hand crafted remedies and animal communications. 


Animals Are Just Trying To Help

Animals try their best to assist humans on their path and sometime need a hand with removing unwanted or collective patterns off of their bodies.  They are here to help their owners on their path of live and sometimes get in over their heads or need to be repaired from severe abuse or trauma. 


Can All Animals Be Helped? 

It is entirely up to the animal. Sometimes I find the animal needs help with removing a pattern and they want to rejoin their humans as soon as possible. Other times, the animal creates and exit for the owners to heal by opening their hearts from the experience of loss and grief.  I believe an animal is ultimately trying to help their human on their spiritual path and will do whatever they can to assist with this. 


Animal Communications

Animals have a lot to say and are most helpful to share information with their healing process.  They also like to share their preferences about their environments and how frustrations with their owners.  I can interpret their behavior and assist owners with what their pets are trying to communicate.   



Blue Mountain Healing Center is not a doctor and does not recommend replacing any prescribed care, medication or treatment plans that have been prescribed by a licensed vet.  My approach is to compliment was is already in place and to provide alternative options to support the health and wellness of the animals.  

Blue Mountain Transformational Bodywork and Coaching is not a medical professional, psychologist, or therapist. The information and outcomes presented on this website, within treatments, and during coaching sessions are intended solely for educational and informational purposes. They are designed to assist clients in pursuing their life goals in a health-conscious manner. Coaching and bodywork should not be considered substitutes for medical treatment, counseling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care, or substance abuse therapy. These services are not intended to replace any form of diagnosis, treatment, or therapy. The content provided should not be used as a substitute for medical advice from a qualified healthcare professional, including medical or psychological diagnoses, treatment, or care. Clients are advised not to alter or discontinue any current medication or therapy based on information provided without obtaining approval from a healthcare professional. If you are dealing with a health issue, whether physical or mental, it is crucial to promptly consult your doctor or healthcare professional regarding your condition. As a coaching client, it is your responsibility to prioritize your own physical, mental, and emotional well-being. You must independently assess any decisions, actions, or inactions stemming from or related to the information on this website or your coaching experience.

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